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Interpret a Brocade portShow
Michael Richter - 16.08.2011
How to interpret the portShow section?
Available in Fabric OS versions: All
Version Differences: Information varies with the switch model and port type.
Troubleshooting Use: Use this command to display port status for a port.
Field Descriptions
portname portCFlags portFlags portType portState Online Offline Testing Faulty portPhys No_Card No_Module No_Light No_Sync In_Sync Lasere_Flt Port_Flt Diag_Flt Lock_Ref portScn portId portWwn Distance |
User assigned port name Port control flags A bit map of port status flags. The port´s type and revision numbers./The type of ASIC and the revision # for same. 3.1 is loom ASIC rev 1, 4.1 is a Bloom ASIC rev 1. The port´s SNMP state: - up and running - not online, portPhys gives details - running diagnostics - failed diagnostics The port´s physical state: - no interface card present - no module (GBIC or other) present - the module is not receiving light - receiving light but out of sync - receiving light and in sync - module is signaling a laser fault - port marked faulty - port failed diagnostics - locking to the reference signal The port´s last State Change Notification The port´s 24-bit D_ID. The port´s Worldwide Name The port´s long distance level (see portCfgLongDistance) |
broc3800:admin> portShow 2
portHealth: No License
Authentication: None
portType: 4.1
portState: 1 Online
portPhys: 6 In_Sync
portScn: 6 F_Port
portRegs: 0x81020000
portData: 0x102d91b0
portId: 110200
portWwn: 20:02:00:60:69:51:ed:5c
portWwn of device(s) connected: 50:03:08:c0:97:8b:cb:52
Distance: normal
Speed: N2Gbps
Interrupts: 123 Link_failure: 1 Frjt: 0
Unknown: 21 Loss_of_sync: 48 Fbsy: 0
Lli: 76 Loss_of_sig: 2
Proc_rqrd: 38 Protocol_err: 0
Timed_out: 0 Invalid_word: 0
Rx_flushed: 0 Invalid_crc: 0
Tx_unavail: 0 Delim_err: 0
Free_buffer: 0 Address_err: 0
Overrun: 0 Lr_in: 1
Suspended: 0 Lr_out: 1
Parity_err: 0 Ols_in: 1
Ols_out: 1
This command displays the port status. The information varies with the switch model and port type. The sample above gives you the output of a SW2800 with firmware level 2.6.0c. Invoke the portShow command for link-level and LIP statistics (link failure, loss of synchronization, loss of signal, etc.). Updated statistics are gathered in software when a port interrupt is received. Errors occuring between interrupts are not logged (they are in portStatsShow). PortShow provides LIP statistics that portStatsShow does not provide - see an example here.
Please find here a short information of the given parameters:
Interrupts: Total number of interrupts (back top top)
Unknown: Interrupts not counted elsewhere (back top top)
Lli: Low-level interface (physical state, primitive sequences) (back top top)
Proc_rqrd: Frames delivered for embedded N_Port processing (back top top)
Timed_out: Frames which have timed out (back top top)
Rx_flushed: Frames requiring translation (back top top)
Tx_unavail: Frames returned from an unavailable transmitter (back top top)
Free_buffer: Free buffer available interrupts (back top top)
Overrun: Buffer overrun interrupts (back top top)
Suspended: Transmission suspended interrupts (back top top)
Parity_err: Real Tx data parity errors (back top top)
2ndary_parity_err: Secondary Tx data parity errors. These are not real data parity errors, but instead are forced by the ASIC due to certain central memory errors. (back top top)
Link_failure, Loss_of_sync, Loss_of_sig, Protocol_err, Invalid_word, Invalid_crc: The first six parameters of the second column shows Link Error Status Block (LESB) counters. These errors are generatedover time by a port in response to a read link error status (RLS) link service command. (back top top)
Delim_err, Lr_in, Lr_out, Ols_in, Ols_out: The rest of the second column shows delimiter, address, link reset (LR) and offline sequence (OLS) errors. (back top top)
Address_err: This means that the port detected the reception of a frame with either an invalid Destination ID (DID) or invalid Source ID (SID). Which might prompt the question, what constitutes an invalid DID or SID? And that answer would be a DID that doesn't exist in the fabric, a SID other than that which FLOGI'd into the port, or possibly a frame transmitted to a non-existant loop device (because the port will receive it if the device does not exist in the loop). (back top top)
Frjt, Fbsy: The third column shows the number of Fabric Rejects (F_RJT) and Fabric Busys (F_BSY) generated. For L_Ports, the third column also shows the number of LIPS received, number of LIPS transmitted and the last LIP received. As said: The portShow command provides LIP statistics that portStatsShow does not provide. (back to top)
CMI_bus_err: Control message interface errors (back top top)
Source: Brocade Documentation, HP San Toolbox, Misc.
Note: Real Life Examples / Case Studies needed. Can also be use for other topics within Qwikipedia
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